Updates on Democratic Party Activities in Harford County!
Get involved, join in the fun, and help us win!
Pre-election Activity Heats Up:
Democrats across the country are fired up to support Kamala Harris, and Harford County is no different. There’s a lot of activity in Harford County in the run up to the election! Here’s a quick summary:
Convention Watch Party - Please join the Central Committee (HCDCC) and the Harford Democratic Club on August 22 at 6:30 pm at Abingdon Grill! Come join your fellow Democrats as we celebrate the formal nomination of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for President and Vice President!
The Central Committee will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, August 21, at 7 pm at the Anita Leight Estuary Center.
The HCDCC is working with the Angela Alsobrooks for Senate coordinated campaign to knock doors in Harford County and phone-banking events - you can sign up here for canvassing or for phonebanking!
Our partners at the Harford Democratic Club have regular meetings upcoming, both beginning at 7 pm at the Holiday Inn Express in Aberdeen:
September 4 - Membership meeting with Upper Chesapeake Pride
October 4 - Phone banking and postcard writing for candidates
Harris/Walz yard signs will be coming available soon! The HCDCC will receive a supply of signs from the Maryland Democratic Party; please email anthony.lyon@harforddemocrats.org to get on the list to get signs.
Project 2025 Education Event (August 28, 8-9 pm) - join the Maryland Democratic Party to learn more about the implications of the Republicans’ Project 2025 playbook. If you don’t know about Project 2025, and don’t want to read all 922 pages of ultraconservative wish-listing, you owe it to yourself to attend.
The HCDCC will be out and about in the community - come join us at our booth at the following major events:
First Fridays in Havre de Grace on September 6 and October 4
Darlington Apple Festival on October 5.
If you wish to help us staff these events, please sign up here!
Voter Registration Volunteers
We are also still looking for volunteers who are willing to help register voters - please consider becoming a trained Voter Registration Volunteer (VRV) - with the Harford Board of Elections! Being trained gives you the ability to actively help citizens register to vote, and assist potential voters complete the registration process. You can sign up for training at the Harford County Board of Elections here.
Election Judges Needed
Election judges fill a critical role in making sure our elections run smoothly and without issues. By spending a day or two staffing the polling places, you can perform a critical role in making sure our democratic process runs fairly, smoothly, and securely. You can also get paid for your time, up to $315 per day. Judges are needed throughout Harford County - sign up here to help secure democracy’s future!
Spread the Word!
As always, I encourage you to share this newsletter and our social posts with your friends and neighbors. Our newsletter subscriptions are up 39% since fall of 2022, but we need your help in expanding our reach. So please share often, share widely, and share freely!