There are now less than 14 whole days to go until Election Day, and pre-election activities are in full swing throughout the state, including here in Harford County! The Senate race is tight, and every little bit of your work can help mobilize voters to put Angela Alsobrooks over the top. Unlike previous years, where we’ve exported our work into other states, this year’s close Senate race compels us to focus our efforts here at home. Let’s keep up the hard work and deliver the votes!

Here are some opportunities to help:
Nights of Action - We have two nights of action scheduled on Wednesday Oct. 23 and Oct. 30, where you can come to our office at 10 N. Parke St. in Aberdeen to write postcards, make phone calls, and support get-out-the-vote efforts here in Harford. We do have open office hours (for updated times please go to and scroll down) so you can come in, pick up a turf, make calls, and write cards. Every bit helps!
Social Media - use your platforms to help amplify messages from our candidates. Miller/Walz, Alsobrooks, and Miller all could use whatever help you can give them by liking, sharing, and replying to their messages with your support.
Canvassing and phonebanking - these tried-and-true methods to contact voters help get out the vote but also help to advertise the activities of the Democratic Party in Harford County.
Greeting voters at polls, and placing signs at polls - Come make a joyful noise and wave signs for our Democratic candidates during early voting and on Election Day, or help us decorate the polls with signs.
You can sign up for these activities on our website at Just scroll down until you see Volunteer Opportunities. Every bit helps!
As always, please share this message with friends, family, and acquaintances who share your values. We are stronger working together!
Voter Protection Efforts - Hotline established, lawyers needed!
As Democrats and as Americans, we hold the right to vote to be sacred. To ensure that all Maryland citizens are accorded their rights to cast their ballots free of intimidation or harassment, the Democratic Party has set up a Voter Protection hotline. Please report all concerns and voter protection issues to 833-MD-VOTES. In past years, voters have expressed concerns about voter intimidation by Sheriff’s deputies in the Route 40 corridor, and we encourage all voters to be vigilant when they are at the polls.
The Party is looking for lawyers who may want to help with the voter protection program this year. If you or someone you know might be interested in helping out, please email the Vote-Pro Director Jena Speiser at
Theft and Vandalism of Political Signs
We have had multiple reports of theft or vandalism of yard signs. We condemn such activity no matter whose signs they are, which candidate or party they support, or which issues they advocate. We recently posted our condemnation of such activities on our social media feeds and called upon the Harford County Republican Party to similarly condemn such activities. We received a very quick reply from them to our Facebook post, and their chair called ours within minutes to express similar sentiments. We are grateful for the quick and respectful response and look forward to ongoing advocacy against the defacement or theft of one of our most significant means of exercising our rights to free political expression. Our formal statement is here: