HCDCC Meeting Tomorrow, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. on Zoom
Plus: Submit applications for Harford's Police Accountability Board and other events and trainings happening across the state
HCDCC Meeting Tomorrow, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. on Zoom
Join the HCDCC for our monthly meeting. We will review our new precinct and organizing strategy.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86849238074?pwd=NFdEcnhiYUp5S2xiVGpYZUs5WjZiZz09
Meeting ID: 868 4923 8074
Passcode: 740650
Submit Applications for Police Accountability Board
The Harford County Council is seeking a volunteer to fill one anticipated opening on the Police Accountability Board.
The Police Accountability Board receives citizens’ complaints of police misconduct and forwards them to law enforcement for investigation. A board member must be 21 or older, live in Harford County, and be a legal resident of the United States. A volunteer must agree to a background check. Active law enforcement officers are not eligible to apply.
To the extent practicable, a member should have experience in civil rights; law enforcement; criminal law; community policing; policing standards; criminology; personnel management and discipline; juvenile justice administration, and other experience that may be valuable to the board.
Applicants must submit a letter of interest in serving on the board and describe any relevant experience, in addition to other requirements.
Applications are due by Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. The application is available on the County Council’s website.
A paper copy is available upon request by calling 410-638-3343.
For more information, contact Mylia Dixon, Council Administrator, at mdixon@harfordcountycouncil.com.
Del. Andre Johnson 3rd Annual Fundraising Gala
Team Johnson would like to extend an invitation to Del. Andre Johnson's Gala. This fundraiser is in support of Del. Johnson as a Delegate. The fundraiser is called "A Night to Remember," held on Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. at the Richlin Event Center Edgewood.
Annual MDP BBQ Bash
Come rally with our elected officials, and your fellow Democrats for the Maryland Democratic Party’s annual BBQ Bash! The BBQ Bash will be on Oct. 1 from 4-7 p.m. at Allen Pond Park. There will be barbecue, good music and great speakers. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets.
Joseph Kitchen Young Democrats Training Series: Advocacy 101
The Young Democrats of Maryland are holding the first Joseph Kitchen Young Democrats Training Series: Advocacy 101 on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. online. Discover why your voice and advocacy are paramount in shaping Maryland's future. Whether you're a seasoned activist or just getting started, this is your chance to master the art of impactful advocacy.
Presenting will be Vinny DeMarco, who leads the Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative and has been a dedicated advocate for years in Maryland making sure that everyone is able to receive affordable and quality healthcare. He has led numerous campaigns to pass legislation and is a widely admired presence in Annapolis.
Make sure to join to not only learn about how Annapolis functions but also how to advocate effectively, build bridges and work with legislators in passing bills.